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Ionic 6 Hotel / Restorent Managment App UI | Payment Page

Ionic is a popular framework for building cross-platform mobile applications using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. To build a hotel management app in Ionic 6, you can follow these general steps:

  1. Define the features and requirements of your hotel management app, such as user authentication, room booking, check-in/check-out management, inventory management, reporting, and analytics.
  2. Choose a backend technology such as Firebase, Node.js, or PHP to manage the data and handle the server-side logic. Firebase is a popular choice as it provides a real-time database and authentication out of the box.
  3. Install the Ionic CLI and create a new Ionic project using the command ionic start.
  4. Choose a UI framework such as Ionic UI components, Material Design, or Bootstrap to design the user interface of your app.
  5. Create the necessary pages and components for your app, such as login page, room booking page, inventory management page, and reporting page.
  6. Use Ionic navigation to create a navigation structure for your app, including menus and tabs.
  7. Integrate with the backend technology to fetch and store data, handle user authentication, and perform server-side operations.
  8. Test your app on both iOS and Android devices, and use tools such as Ionic Appflow or Firebase App Distribution to distribute your app to users.
  9. Monitor your app’s performance and user feedback using tools such as Firebase Analytics or Google Analytics, and make improvements and updates as needed.

Building a hotel management app in Ionic 6 can be a complex task, but following these steps will give you a solid foundation to create a functional and user-friendly app.

A payment page on a mobile app is necessary for several reasons:

  1. Convenience: Mobile payment allows users to make purchases quickly and easily, without having to enter their payment information each time. A payment page on a mobile app allows users to make purchases in just a few taps, which is more convenient than using a desktop website or visiting a physical store.
  2. Security: A payment page on a mobile app can be designed to use secure payment methods, such as tokenization or encryption, to protect user data. This provides users with a secure and trusted payment experience, which can increase their confidence in using the app.
  3. Revenue generation: Mobile apps with payment pages can generate revenue by allowing users to purchase products or services through the app. This can be a significant source of income for businesses, especially those that rely on e-commerce.
  4. Competitive advantage: Mobile apps with payment pages can provide a competitive advantage over businesses that don’t offer mobile payment options. This can be particularly important for businesses that target tech-savvy customers who prefer mobile payment options.

Overall, a payment page on a mobile app can provide many benefits to both users and businesses, including convenience, security, revenue generation, and competitive advantage.

To create a new page in an Ionic project, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open a command prompt or terminal window and navigate to your Ionic project directory.
  2. Run the following command to generate a new page:
ionic generate page <page-name>
  1. Replace <page-name> with the name of your new page, such as “my-new-page”.
  2. Ionic will generate a new directory with the same name as your page in the “src/app” directory, containing several files including an HTML template, a TypeScript class, and a SCSS stylesheet.
  3. Open the HTML template file (e.g. “”) and add following codes.
  <ion-toolbar color='danger'>
    <ion-buttons slot="start" class="menu_btn">
      <ion-back-button color="light" defaultHref="search-chef"></ion-back-button>
    <ion-title>Payment History</ion-title>
    <ion-icon name="notifications" slot="end" (click)="notificationModal($event)"></ion-icon>
    <ion-badge id="notifications-badge-msg" color="danger">2</ion-badge>
    <ion-icon name="cart" slot="end"></ion-icon>
    <ion-badge id="notifications-badge" color="danger">5</ion-badge>
    <img slot="end" src="../../../assets/001.JPG" (click)="presentModal($event)" />

This is an ion-header element with a ion-toolbar child element, which is a commonly used component in an Ionic app to provide a header for a page. Here is a breakdown of the various attributes and child elements:

  • ion-header: This is a container element for a page header in an Ionic app.
  • ion-toolbar: This is a child element of ion-header and represents the toolbar or header itself. It has a color attribute set to 'danger' which sets the background color of the toolbar to a shade of red.
  • ion-buttons: This is a child element of ion-toolbar and is used to display buttons within the toolbar. It has a slot attribute set to 'start' which aligns the button to the left side of the toolbar. It also has a CSS class menu_btn.
  • ion-back-button: This is a child element of ion-buttons and is a built-in Ionic component for a back button. It has a color attribute set to 'light' which sets the color of the icon to light, and a defaultHref attribute set to 'search-chef' which specifies the page to navigate to when the back button is clicked.
  • ion-title: This is a child element of ion-toolbar and is used to display the title of the page. In this case, the title is “Payment History”.
  • ion-icon: This is a child element of ion-toolbar and is a built-in Ionic component for displaying an icon. It has a name attribute set to 'notifications' which specifies the name of the icon to display. It also has a slot attribute set to 'end' which aligns the icon to the right side of the toolbar.
  • (click): This is an event binding in Angular which is used to handle a click event on the icon. In this case, when the icon is clicked, it triggers the notificationModal method defined in the TypeScript class of the page.
  • ion-badge: This is a child element of ion-icon and is used to display a badge with a number or text. It has an id attribute set to 'notifications-badge-msg' and 'notifications-badge' which assigns a unique identifier to each badge. It also has a color attribute set to 'danger' which sets the color of the badge to red.
  • img: This is a child element of ion-toolbar and is an HTML img element which is used to display an image within the toolbar. It has a slot attribute set to 'end' which aligns the image to the right side of the toolbar. It also has a src attribute set to ../../../assets/001.JPG which specifies the path to the image file. Finally, it has a (click) event binding which triggers the presentModal method when the image is clicked.
  <div *ngFor="let payment of payment">
    <p id="date">{{}}</p>
    <div class="upperBox" *ngFor="let item of payment.transactions">
      <div class="img">
        <img src="../../../assets/food/{{item.image}}" />
      <div class="title">{{item.title}}</div>
      <div class="price">{{item.amount}}</div>
      <div class="transId">Transaction ID: #{{item.transId}}</div>
      <div class="time">{{item.time}}</div>
      <div class="bank">{{}} </div>
      <div class="status " [ngStyle]="{'color':(item.status === 'SUCCESS') ? 'green' : (item.status === 'FAILED') ? 'red' : 'orange' }">{{item.status}}</div>

This is an ion-content element, which is one of the core components in an Ionic app and is used to display content within a page. Here’s a breakdown of the various attributes and child elements:

  • ion-content: This is a container element for the content of a page in an Ionic app.
  • *ngFor: This is an Angular directive used to loop through an array and render its elements. In this case, the payment array is being looped through to display each payment object in the array.
  • div: This is an HTML container element used to group content together.
  • p: This is an HTML element used to display text in a paragraph.
  • id: This is an HTML attribute that assigns a unique identifier to an element. In this case, the date paragraph has an id attribute set to 'date'.
  • class: This is an HTML attribute that assigns a CSS class to an element. In this case, the upperBox div has a class attribute set to 'upperBox'.
  • img: This is an HTML element used to display images. In this case, the image source is set using the src attribute with the path to the image file located in the assets/food folder.
  • *ngStyle: This is an Angular directive used to dynamically apply CSS styles based on conditions. In this case, the color style is applied to the status div based on the value of the status property of the item object. If the status is 'SUCCESS', the color is set to green. If the status is 'FAILED', the color is set to red. Otherwise, the color is set to orange.

The overall effect of this code is to display a list of payments, each of which contains a date and a list of transactions. For each transaction, the code displays an image, title, amount, transaction ID, time, bank, and status. The status is displayed in a different color based on whether the transaction was successful, failed, or is still processing. The *ngFor directive loops through the payment array to display the payment and transactions in a list. The *ngStyle directive is used to set the color of the status text based on the status of the transaction.

Finally our look like as follows

  <ion-toolbar color='danger'>
    <ion-buttons slot="start" class="menu_btn">
      <ion-back-button color="light" defaultHref="search-chef"></ion-back-button>
    <ion-title>Payment History</ion-title>
    <ion-icon name="notifications" slot="end" (click)="notificationModal($event)"></ion-icon>
    <ion-badge id="notifications-badge-msg" color="danger">2</ion-badge>
    <ion-icon name="cart" slot="end"></ion-icon>
    <ion-badge id="notifications-badge" color="danger">5</ion-badge>
    <img slot="end" src="../../../assets/001.JPG" (click)="presentModal($event)" />

  <div *ngFor="let payment of payment">
    <p id="date">{{}}</p>
    <div class="upperBox" *ngFor="let item of payment.transactions">
      <div class="img">
        <img src="../../../assets/food/{{item.image}}" />
      <div class="title">{{item.title}}</div>
      <div class="price">{{item.amount}}</div>
      <div class="transId">Transaction ID: #{{item.transId}}</div>
      <div class="time">{{item.time}}</div>
      <div class="bank">{{}} </div>
      <div class="status " [ngStyle]="{'color':(item.status === 'SUCCESS') ? 'green' : (item.status === 'FAILED') ? 'red' : 'orange' }">{{item.status}}</div>

Now open file and add typescript code as follows

import { Router } from '@angular/router';
import { LoadingController } from '@ionic/angular';
import { AppServiceService } from 'src/app/services/app-service.service';

This is an import statement in TypeScript used to import three classes from their respective modules or files:

  • Router: This is a class from the @angular/router module that provides a service for routing within an Angular application. It allows you to navigate to different routes within the application and pass data to those routes.
  • LoadingController: This is a class from the @ionic/angular module that provides a service for displaying loading indicators or spinners in an Ionic application. It allows you to display a loading indicator while the application performs an operation in the background, such as fetching data from a remote server.
  • AppServiceService: This is a custom service class that is imported from a file located at 'src/app/services/app-service.service'. The purpose of this service is not clear from the import statement alone, but it appears to be a custom service defined within the Ionic/Angular application that provides some functionality.

Importing classes from modules or files allows you to use them in the code of the current module. The classes can then be instantiated or used to access their properties and methods. In this case, the Router class is likely used to navigate to other pages or components within the application, the LoadingController class is likely used to display a loading indicator while waiting for a server response, and the AppServiceService class is likely used to provide some custom functionality or data access within the application.

payment = [];
  constructor(private service: AppServiceService, public loadingController: LoadingController, private router: Router) { }

This code block declares a class with a constructor that takes in three parameters:

  • service: This is an instance of the AppServiceService class that was previously imported. It is injected as a dependency in the constructor and allows the current class to access the methods and properties of the AppServiceService class.
  • loadingController: This is an instance of the LoadingController class that was previously imported. It is also injected as a dependency in the constructor and allows the current class to display loading indicators or spinners while waiting for a server response.
  • router: This is an instance of the Router class that was previously imported. It is injected as a dependency in the constructor and allows the current class to navigate to different pages or components within the application.

In addition to the constructor, this code block also declares a class property called payment and initializes it to an empty array. This property is likely used to store a list of payment transactions that will be retrieved from the server or another data source.

The purpose of this class and its constructor is not entirely clear without more context or code, but it appears to be part of an Ionic/Angular application that is related to managing payment transactions. The AppServiceService class is likely used to make API requests to a server to retrieve payment data, and the LoadingController class is likely used to display a loading spinner while the payment data is being retrieved.

ngOnInit() {
   this.presentLoading().then(() => {
     this.service.getAllPayments().subscribe((res) => {
       this.payment = res.document.records;

This code block defines a method called ngOnInit, which is a lifecycle hook provided by Angular that is called when the component is initialized. The purpose of this method is to retrieve payment data from a server and assign it to the payment property of the current class.

Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of what the code is doing:

  1. The presentLoading() method is called, which displays a loading spinner using the LoadingController class while the payment data is being retrieved from the server. The presentLoading() method returns a promise, which resolves when the loading spinner is dismissed.
  2. Once the loading spinner is displayed, the getAllPayments() method of the AppServiceService class is called, which is likely a method that retrieves payment data from a server using HTTP requests.
  3. The subscribe() method is called on the observable returned by the getAllPayments() method. The subscribe() method takes a callback function as an argument, which is called when the observable emits a value.
  4. When the callback function is called, it receives the response data from the server as an argument, which is likely in the form of a JSON object.
  5. The records property of the response object is assigned to the payment property of the current class. The records property likely contains an array of payment transactions.
  6. The console.log() method is called to log the payment property to the console for debugging purposes.
  7. The dismiss() method is called on the loadingController object to dismiss the loading spinner.

In summary, the ngOnInit() method is used to retrieve payment data from a server using the getAllPayments() method of the AppServiceService class, assign the response data to the payment property of the current class, and display a loading spinner while the data is being retrieved.

async presentLoading() {
   const loading = await this.loadingController.create({
     message: "Please Wait .. ",
   await loading.present();

This code block defines an asynchronous method called presentLoading() which displays a loading spinner using the LoadingController class.

Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of what the code is doing:

  1. The await keyword is used to wait for the loadingController.create() method to return a Promise. The create() method is called on the loadingController object to create a new loading spinner.
  2. The await keyword is used again to wait for the loading.present() method to return a Promise. The present() method is called on the loading object to display the loading spinner.
  3. Once the loading spinner is displayed, the async function returns a Promise.

In summary, the presentLoading() method is used to create and display a loading spinner using the LoadingController class. It is an asynchronous method that returns a Promise. When this method is called, it displays a loading spinner with a message “Please Wait .. ” until the loading.present() method is resolved.

Finally our file look like as follows

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { Router } from '@angular/router';
import { LoadingController } from '@ionic/angular';
import { AppServiceService } from 'src/app/services/app-service.service';

  selector: 'app-payment',
  templateUrl: './',
  styleUrls: ['./'],
export class PaymentPage implements OnInit {
  payment = [];
  constructor(private service: AppServiceService, public loadingController: LoadingController, private router: Router) { }

  ngOnInit() {
    this.presentLoading().then(() => {
      this.service.getAllPayments().subscribe((res) => {
        this.payment = res.document.records;
  async presentLoading() {
    const loading = await this.loadingController.create({
      message: "Please Wait .. ",
    await loading.present();



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